Ashtree Primary Academy

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In Nursery and Reception the children work towards achieving the Early Learning Goals in seven areas of learning. A progressive range of educational activities and experiences are provided that match the aims of the Early Learning Goals, support the meeting of the individual needs of your child, and help all children toward reaching their full potential.

Individual subject curriculum maps include reference to the learning in Nursery and Reception. 

Our Early Years curriculum aims to be ambitious by building on what all of our children already know and can do in order to support their progress. We know that children develop at their own pace and in their own ways. We aim to support all children in rapidly acquiring and deepening their knowledge and skills across all areas of learning, ensuring gaps in attainment are rapidly closed. We have a key focus on ensuring that children acquire a wide vocabulary, communicate effectively and a secure knowledge of phonics, leading to fluent reading which gives them the foundations for all future learning.

The seven areas of learning which are covered across the Early Years Outcomes are:

Prime Areas

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
    We encourage confidence and self-respect, enabling your child to establish effective relationships, while remaining sensitive to the needs and beliefs of others. We encourage children to express their feelings, share and take turns and to develop an understanding of what is right and wrong, and why.
  • Communications and Language
    Developing a growing vocabulary, enables children to extend talking and listening skills, which then contributes to the development of early writing and reading.
  • Physical Development
    These goals focus on children developing physical control, mobility, awareness of space and manipulative skills in indoor and outdoor environments.

Specific Areas

  • Literacy
    We help develop early writing and reading skills through planned activities, story reading and telling, labels and signs around the classroom and the teaching of phonics.
  • Mathematics
    Through practical activities, children understand and record numbers, show an awareness of matching, sorting, sequencing and other mathematical operations and language.
  • Understanding the World
    Children explore the natural and man made world, looking closely at similarities differences, pattern and changes.
  • Expressive Art and Design
    These goals focus on the development of children’s imagination and creativity and their ability to explore, express and share ideas and feelings through different forms of communication.

In the Early Years, Ashtree Primary School and Nursery follows the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. Full details of this can be found on the government’s website.